Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Josh Turner - Hometown Girl - Garry Johnson's Girl

After 52 years of us having to grow up and then finding love again, By God's grace. We were both widowed. We knew instantly, that we still loved each other, even after all these years. We decided to not waste anymore time unhappy and alone. We both believe that we are a God thing. I prayed for him for 52 year, and God finally brought us back together. He is everything that I ever needed to be happy. We are so happy. Thank you God for finally answering my prayers. Garry told me that he came looking for me, and I asked why, he said because your "My Girl". We were both wondering why God let us live and not our spouses. We have to let go of them, and find a reason to live. He is my reason. He says that I am his reason. Thanks be to God.